Stations of the cross 2007
As Jesus dies on the cross, we reflect on the meaning of his life and death. His death showed us His selfless act of love for humanity. His death was not for his own sake but for us. His death was aimed at liberating humanity from the bonds of injustice, poverty and inequality. His death will be meaningless unless we see the value of sharing our own life with people who need us most - the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the discriminated, the millions of people caught in war, the victims of violence. The Stations of the Cross reminds us about loving our neighbors, near and far as we love ourselves. It is a call for getting involved and committed in bringing about God's reign of love, peace and justice.
As we continue in our daily lives, we are challenged to seek truth, justice and peace. We are called upon to be true witnesses and by being true witnesses we stand for the rights of the exploited and the oppressed, whoever they may be. We condemn the violence brought about by unjust economic and political systems that continue to disenfranchise and strip the less privilege of their rights to a better life. We condemn the senseless murder of people and other forms of human rights violations.
As we look forward to Jesus' Resurrection, we rekindle our faith in humanity. as we now symbolically break the bond that keep the poor, the oppressed in their miserable conditions, we renew our commitment to be involved in bringing about God's reign on earth. We unite in our commitment to create a world where there is love and peace based on justice and truth. Only we actively seek justice and peace can we truly celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Only when we resist the evils of greed and apathy can we share in the redemption of Christ
My sisters and brothers, let us pray for all those who have been victims of exploitation and oppression, forgive us for not having stood with you. Lord, remember us as we remember those who suffer. Give us courage to answer your call for justice and peace.
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