Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2007 Mother's day celebration and UFiND-Toronto planning meeting

May 13, 2007

Members of United Filipinos for Nationalism and Democracy-Toronto (UFiND), a Migrante organization just two months old, celebrated Mother's day at a local downtown community centre. Twelve members were able to attend while others expressed their regrets as they were forced to work by their bosses. A new plan was hammered out for the rest of the year. The central campaigns included the call to scrap of the LCP (Live in Caregiver Program) for one not onerous on migrant workers, a campaign against employment/immigration agencies exploiting those going through the LCP, and the Stop the Killings campaign, and the $10 minimum wage now campaign. Members also vowed to contact relatives and friends in the Philippines to urge them to vote for Gabriella Women's Party.